
12 On-site activities Communication The consumer gets comprehensive and complete information on the basic ideas, the contents (full declaration) and of course the technical characteristics and potential dangers that can be associated with paint products, e.g. fire hazard, self-ignition of oil-drenched cloths, allergies on natural materials, general safety advice. The products are accom- panied by technical data sheets and safety data sheets that hold comprehensive information on product applica- tions and safety advice. On our website, , consumers and users find numerous information brochures, our comprehensive prod- uct catalogue, references and a product database with up-to-date relevant information. The AURO philosophy and the idea of a gentle chemistry are explained in detail in vari- ous special essays and lectures on subjects like building biology, sustainable economics and ecology. In addition to that, the idea of an ecological building that creates a healthy living environment is conveyed to users and consumers in numerous seminars and trainings held by AURO retailers and distributors, often supported by AURO representatives or importers. A successful communication strategy involves the regular presence on trade fairs and continuous public relations activities. This way, the public recognition of the brand can be guaranteed and new partners and customers be acquired. Consumers on the domestic market can subscribe to the AURO Newsletter to be regularly informed about new prod- ucts, application tips and tricks, creative techniques and a lot more first-hand knowledge. Videos on current topics are published (in German and English) on the YouTube channel „AUROtv“ in order to show the interested public how easy it is to apply AURO products. Last but not least, our field service, as well as numerous ref- erence objects of satisfied customers, contribute to the establishment of AURO as a competent and sustainable brand in the public perception. International AURO fair stand a b c d a) Product training c) Demonstration „concrete look“ b) Workshop floor treatment d) AURO movie on