
13 The responsibility for an efficient and humane workplace lay- out is carried concertedly by the work council, the committee for occupational safety, the safety inspector, and the execu- tive board. Water Anytime soon, water will be the most precious substance for mankind. Therefore it is important to handle this raw mate- rial carefully and economical already today. For more infor- mation on AURO’s water consumption, see chapter „Energy and raw material – key figures” (p. 25). Here, it must be referred to the operation of our rainwater harvesting installa- tion that has helped to replace a considerable amount of municipal water in recent years. After preparatory treatment in a special installation, the wastewater accruing in the pro- duction processes is fed into the local clarification system. Retention ponds and collecting points are part of a system that prevents raw materials or finished products from enter- ing the groundwater or the clarification system. The sealed parts of the company site serve as parking space or storage area for containers for waste or reyclable materi- als. These areas were sealed for constructional purposes and cannot be unsealed for economical reasons (high cost of renaturation). The green areas are cultivated according to ecological guidelines. The plants are waterd with water from our rainwater harvesting installation. Man Locatable on-site dangers to the environment can also constitute dangers to the employees at their respective workplaces. Particularly noteworthy are fire hazards, aller- gies against natural materials and dangers inherent in the raw materials, e.g. irritation, cauterisation, or the danger of scalding one’s skin while melting wax or boiling plant colour pigments. It is part of AURO’s manage- ment by motiva- tion that every single employee has a substantial influence on the configuration of his or her work- place. At the same time, the workplace design conforms to occupational medi- cine and safety specifications. In the laboratory and office areas, aspects of building biology are taken into account, e.g. by equipment with solid wood furniture. The workplace layout in the production and warehouse areas has to observe additional factors regarding safety regula- tions and measures that avoid working processes with a per- manently uneven load that can cause or further diseases. A system of flexible working hours provides a balance between the personal wish for individual organisation of the employ- ees‘ leisure time and the company‘s need to plan working times in an optimal way. Environmental aspects Wall paint filling Commissioning hall Boiling of plant paints