
16 Declaration of Executive Board and Supervisory Board The management and board of directors of AURO Pflanzen- chemie AG pledges full compliance with and implementation of all statutory requirements and regulations and the envi- ronmental policy and environmental protection principles as set forth in this chapter. The management system described in the chapter “Environmental Management” ensures that all employees too are obliged to observe these principles and monitors their behaviour accordingly. We fulfil the call for best available technology by letting the synthesis of our raw materials take place in the botanical plants and ensuring that the subsequent technical processes are carried out with modern well-planned process engineering plants. Environmental policy Our company attaches great importance to ongoing dialogue with consumers, the wholesale and retail trade as well as suppliers concerning environmental protection projects and their implementation. The goals we pursue for continual improvement of environmental protection extend beyond the time when products leave our factory premises. Implementa- tion of environmental protection principles must be ob- served not only in the factory, but also wherever our prod- ucts are distributed and used. For this purpose, we annually hold six to eight one day seminars and training courses in our factory with the purpose of making our company philoso- phy available to a wider public. The company policy also includes active cooperation with government authorities, environmental protection groups like the NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland / German nature protection group). Our cooperation with government authorities extends far beyond the statutory requirements (approvals, reports by responsible persons, notification of incidents, etc.). For example, we have included the compe- tent factory inspectorate for our site in the initial and subse- quent validations within the scope of ecological audits. Since 2007, AURO is member in an enterprise initiative that sup- ports the work of the NABU with regular sponsoring cam- paigns. AURO natural paints have rendered successful service for more than thirty years in the sense of actively dedicated and specific environ- mental protection. The high ranking of our company as ecological pioneer has been recognised during this period in terms of many awards of renowned environmental prizes. Five environmentally rel- evant factors give the company concept of AURO natural paints its special significance and importance: Environmental policy and guidelines Ecological aspects played an important role already at foundation time. Analysis and optimisation of the entire product line „from A to Z“ is the basis of all developments. Paints and other substances for treating material surfaces are particularly sensitive product sectors with regard to ecological implications. Natural, preferentially vegetable-origin, raw materials together with gentle production processes as guiding prin- ciples, are in keeping with modern concepts of sustainable utilisation of the materials. Extensive company information is published which would classically have been treated as confidential secrets. …to support future generations. An ongoing environmental awareness... …has to become the fundamental attitude…