
17 Environmental policy and guidelines Environmental guidelines of the company Continued production of technical chemical consumer prod- ucts on the basis of petrochemistry is already in the genera- tion of our children threatening to trap humanity on a dead- end route from which there is no escape after a certain point of no return has been reached. Therefore modern industrial policy can no longer be based only on short-term preserva- tion of its own production prerequisites. Instead, it must now pay serious attention to long-term feasibility and reasona- bleness of its methods for which it must take full responsibil- ity. Here lies the first principal motivation for the choice of raw materials for AURO products which lie close to nature and are preferably renewable. The second principal motivation was and still is to be seen in examining the toxicological, physiological and psychological situation which has arisen through the application of modern synthetic paint materials. The third principal motivation is the satisfaction to be gained by demonstrating on one of the core sectors of the chemical industry that alternatives exist which are feasible and practi- cable. The fourth principal motivation is to prove that uncompro- mising ecology is possible today in a modern industrial undertaking not only as a theoretical concept or in practice subsidised from other sources, but that it can be success- fully practised in fully self-sufficient independence. Regionalisation Reduced consumption / increase of yield Conversion to ecologically optimised raw materials Improved keeping qualities and repair friendliness Improvement of domestic biological factors Improvement of human biological compatibility Perceptory hygienic advantages Avoidance of obnoxious materials in the case of fire Improvement of the compostability of product residues Criteria for the realisation of product ideas High consumption of energy in the production process Toxic precursor products and ingredients Physiologically abnormal effect on the senses (screaming colours, artificial odours, extremely smooth, non-breathing surfaces) Non-degradable (persistent) ingredients Genetically modified raw materials Exclusion criteria for product ideas Natural wood oils for highest standards Lime paints create an optimal indoor climate Solvent-free, water-thinnable woodstains