
19 Environmental management Structure and responsibilities Extensive and detailed alarm and contingency plans with corresponding definition of competencies exist for the fac- tory. These plans are revised regularly, recorded in the envi- ronmental protection manual and they are internally accessi- ble. They define the measures to be taken in the case of major and minor factory accidents, breakdowns, fire, entry of unauthorised persons, notification of government authori- ties, etc. The alarm and emergency plans are intended to prevent further damage in the case of a contingency, to pro- tect persons and the environment and to restore production and delivery capability as soon as possible. Monitoring of procedures A functioning management system requires continual super- vision and checking. The department managers together with the company management constitute the top level supervisory authority with authorisation for issuing instruc- tions and making checks. Regular meetings ensure that all operational processes and procedures are analysed and dis- crepancies are corrected. Trainings Specific external training of the department managers is an important measure for updating knowledge with regard to statutory requirements, regulations, engineering, etc. The inspector for safety precautions and hazardous goods regu- larly participates in continuation training courses and in- forms himself of the most recent statutory stipulations and regulations. Training and continuation training of employees is carried out internally and externally. Training measures comprise continuation training and safety instruction of all employees and conversations as and when required at the individual workplaces, as well as annually four to five obliga- tory training events for the entire personnel on all compa- ny-relevant subjects. …with active environmental commitment. Preserving habitats… …and the diversity of species… Edwin Hribek CEO Helmut Nieder Production & Safety Matthias Licht Head of Laboratory AURO EXECUTIVE BOARD AND DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Dr. Markus Lettau Research & Development