
22 Unterzeile einzeilig 0 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 No. Parcel deliveries Pallet deliveries 4.381 3.739 4.450 3.815 4.198 3.932 3.540 4.162 3.483 4.212 Car pool and logistics Our fleet consists of 7 motor vehicles which are all up to date with ecological standards and subjected to regular maintenance overhauls in workshops under contract. The centerpiece of our fleet is the AURO minivan that is used by our field service and can also be used at events that are arranged by our retailers. However, most traffic movements arise in connection with incoming and departing deliveries which are handled by external haulage agents. Parcels are delivered in a climate-neutral way by the parcel service we work with. The emissions caused by the parcel deliveries are measured and reduced in special procedures. CO 2 emis- sions that cannot be avoided are compensated for by projects and measures of independent partners, e.g. reafforestation of damaged areas or support of pro- grams for biogas plants. The increase of pallet deliveries helps to bundle smaller deliveries and avoid unnecessary shipments. Incoming and outgoing mail is trans- ported by a bicycle courier service. AURO event minivan EPD equipment 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Screens 16 19 24 27 30 Printers, scanners 11 10 11 10 10 Workstation computers 18 17 18 21 24 Laptops 5 5 5 7 8 TV and video 2 2 2 2 2 Gesamt 52 53 60 67 74 Our current aim is to work with our raw material delivers on a solution that optimises logistics by bundling the deliveries of different deliverers and thus shortens the overall trans- port routes of AURO raw materials considerately. Table EPD equipment Chart Logistics EPD equipment The digitisation of the working world requires increasing investments in work- station computes and mobile EPD equip- ment. This is reflected in a growing num- ber of screens, computers, printers and laptops. The resulting e-waste is col- lected separately and disposed of, or obsolete electronic data processing equipment and its components are returned to the suppliers. Production site - key figures