
25 Unterzeile einzeilig Toilet flushings Social environ- ments, offices, kitchen, wintergarden Hot water boiler Laboratory Washing Municipal drainage Waste water treatment Paint sludges Production Pearl mills Municipal water Rainwater Watering of green spaces Products Composting Water Water is required as raw material for the products, for cleaning the mixing and rec- ipe make-up vessels, for the sanitary installations and kitchen. The water for cool- ing the pearl mills does not need to be of high quality, so a rainwater tank system was built for this purpose. This system is buried at a depth of 1.5 m in the soil and has a special water feed ensuring constant water temperature of about 10°C. The water is fed to the production plants by a pump. After the economic and ecological quality of this system has proved to be successful, the sanitary installations too were included in the rainwater utilisation system. The water pipeline system is regularly inspected for leaks. Regular balance accounting of the input and waste water streams is necessary for improved detec- tion and assessment of any negative effects on the environment. Additional water meters were installed at the end of 1996 for this purpose, so that internal water expenses can be charged correctly according to consumers and producers. Due to the high amount of rainfall in 2010, the input value for the water has risen accord- ingly. Operating supplies Operating supplies are all materials which cannot be assigned to the other material turnover accounts, but are indispensably necessary for running the operating pro- cedures of the factory. All surfaces (furniture, floors, etc.) are cleaned with cleaning agents manufac- tured in this factory. Surfaces such as floors, which are subjected to severe stress, are cleaned daily. Less intensively utilised surfaces are cleaned only when necessary. For examples, the production and storage areas are kept clean only by sweeping with sawdust chip at time inter- vals depending on the rate of dirt accumu- lation. They are also treated several times annually with diluted caustic potash solu- tions as basic cleaning to ensure produc- tion hygiene. The dirty water is disposed of through the own waste water process- ing plant of the factory. Complete avoid- ance of aggressive disinfecting cleaning agents is a matter of principle for us. Recycling paper is already being used to a large extent as well as still utilising smaller amounts of chlorine-free bleached paper. Copies printed only on one side or unsuitable for further use as such, are used for making notes, drafts and sketches, etc. on their rear sides and disposed of for recycling only after such usage. Water, m 3 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Use of water, gen. 815 795 706 459 630 Pearl mill, municipal water 150 150 150 150 150 Water for products 702 764 902 701 906 Municipal water, total 1.517 1.559 1.608 1.160 1.536 Rain water* 5.322 6.453 4.178 4.831 5.341 Water flow chart We use this scarce resource sparingly. Energy and raw material – key figures Table Water input (* Data provided by the meteorological office Hannover, measuring station Braunschweig-Völkenrode)