
26 0 200.000 400.000 600.000 800.000 1.000.000 1.200.000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Gas Electricity kWh 53.595 178.203 599.405 62.528 196.004 748.480 65.505 193.877 595.185 77.415 205.414 651.572 Diesel 68.483 194.737 708.749 Energy There are two main energy sources needed for the operation procedures: Electric power is used chiefly for driving machinery, for lighting plant and for operating the electronic data processing systems; natural gas is used exclusively for the heating and process water plant and for generating steam. AURO uses green electricity mainly from Norwegian hydroelectric power stations. The additional photo-voltaic system on our company roof adds to this so we can say that AURO uses exclusively electricity from renewable sources. A condensing gas boiler with a multi-stage fan burner feeds six heating circuits that provide static heating surfaces, air heaters and other heat consumers. Warm water for the social environments is provided by means of a heat exchanger of the solar installation. The supply temperature of the heating system is weather- controlled. Warm water pipes that were not already protected against loss of heat were insulated. 260 kW of electric power are installed in total. The agitators of the dissolvers are the biggest single consumers with a maximum consumption of 60 kW, followed by the pearl mills, air compressors and, with about 20 % of the total consumption, the complete lighting system. In the year 2005, we installed the photo-voltaic system with a surface of 30 m 2 . It produces about 2.500 to 3.000 kWh electricity per year that is directly fed-in to the city’s power supply system. Thus AURO contributes its share to the reduction of the use of fossile energy sources. Chart Energy (1 m 3 of gas corresponds to 9,6 kWh; 1 litre of petrol to 10,03 kWh) The same is true for the 21 m 2 solar panel installation that was also installed in 2005. Combined with the new condensing gas boiler, it provides the company with heat. The produced heat energy of the solar panels amounts to 400 kWh/m 2 or ca. 12.000 kWh per year and thus spares ca. 1.200 m 3 of natural gas. Aerial photo of the company site Good prospects for sustainable energy sources Energy and raw material – key figures