
• S a f e t y f o r t o y s • Certified in line with EN 71-3 Excellent ratings and awards in product tests of leading German DIY journals. AURO’s Woodstain no. 160-84 is awarded “test winner” in a product test in May 2006 by Germany’s big- gest consumer organisation. Successful certification according to DIN norm 53160 (sweat and saliva resistance) and the new version of the EN norm 71-3 for coatings (toy safety norm). AURO offers products from every applica- tion range that are tested according to the AgBB evaluation scheme and therefore especially recommended for living areas. Certifications from the ILF (Institute for Paints and Lacquers) on com- pliance with VOC limits for wall paints, stains, lacquers etc. For more information on these and other certifications and awards, please see . Our complete product range fulfills the require- ments of the French VOC regulation, getting the top grades A or A+. More than three quarters of the relevant products are rated A+. „Medically recommended for lodgings“ – Certificate awarded by the journal „Wohn- medizin“ for AURO Wallpaint no. 321. AgBB -tested According to the criteriaof the Committee for theHealth-related EvaluationofBuildingProducts (AgBB) H i g h l y r e c o m m e n d e d f o r l i v i n g a r e a s . Certificates and proofs Paints and other products bearing the AURO label are often recog- nised as exemplary products for ecological building and living. The simple reason is that we make no secret of the composition of our products. AURO’s ecological products meet even highest technical requirements which is confirmed in numerous product tests and certifications. C e r t i f i c a t e i s s u e d a c c o r d i n g t o s w e a t a n d s a l i v a r e s i s t a n c e