
7 Company structure Occupational safety panel and works council A lean company structure gives the company more flexibility in all matters and allows for a fast implementation of deci- sions. Therefore it is guaranteed that the essential basic concept of a gentle chemistry, which led to the founding of the company, is continually refined in terms of sustainable use of the (raw) materials. Safety matters in the workplace are always affiliated with environment protection and are therefore being discussed in the Committee for occupational safety (ASA) where solutions are easily found. This group consists of the safety inspector, an external qualified safety person, a member of the work council and a member of the management board. In addition to that, the work council guarantees that the interests of the employees are being considered and put into practice. Along with important social and labour law related questions as well as workplace design, the work council deals with matters of environment protection in the workplace. Laboratory and production The research and development department consists of highly qualified specialists with longtime experience in handling natural materials. New production processes are perman- ently checked for their environmental and technical cap- abilities by the respective specialised departments. The raw materials we use and the resulting products are sub- ject to a rigorous quality check in order to guarantee consist- ent product standards. Almost all our products are produced in our German and Aus- trian factories. The optimal use of the material and short pro- duction ways allow a lean and sustainable production. More- over, the use of rain water, as well as our own solar collector, helps to minimise the use of energy and resources. Sales and shipping Committed employees with substantial ecological and eco- nomical knowledge assist our specialised dealers and importers on domestic and foreign markets, from Europe to Asia. In order to guarantee a secure and environmentally friendly transport of all orders, we pay attention to solid and sustain- able transport packaging and the compliance with the instructions for dangerous goods. The selection of highly productive transport partners as well as the transparent and fair terms and conditions of delivery and payment make us reliable partners for customers and distributors. Examination of a paint batch Shipping and logistics dpt. Practical test of new products