
8 On-site activities Raw materials Throughout the complete assortment, we preferably use raw materials originating from plants and minerals that are ex- tracted and processed as gentle as possible. Whereever it is economically and practically viable, the company exercises influence over the concrete social and ecological framework conditions. By way of example, the red colourant Achiote (Ipiak) found its way into AURO’s range of raw materials and is now used to complete the colour palette of the Colour wash plant glazes. By using this colourant, AURO supports the Shuar Indians in Ecuador who traditionally produce and use it and also helps the organisation „education biotropical“ to achieve their goal to recultivate a destroyed rain forest area west of the Andes Mountains. These biogenic and mineral raw mate- rials are systematically scrutinised and, given their ecological and chemical-tech- nical suitability, used for the production of high-quality natural paints. Their origin and sus- tainability is taken into account, every single batch is tested and archived by our laboratory workers before it is cleared for use in our products. The consistent colour quality and product stability are under permanent review. All raw materials that are used are declared on the product labels and on AURO’s website. This makes it easy for con- sumers to understand which materials are used in AURO products. Moreover, we inform about essential characteris- tics of the raw materials, e.g. if they are of organic (i.e. sus- tainable) or mineral origin. With the current use of oils from controlled biological culti- vation (kbA), we continue our way to use more and more cer- tified organic raw materials. The oils are used in a variety of products so that a large portion of our assort- ment profits from these materials. Well- known organisations like ECOCERT or IMO control the oils and guarantee the superior quality required for our high production standards. For AURO raw materials coming from exotic areas of cultivation, we ask our suppliers to sign declarations on social standards that are based on the core norms of the ILO (International Labour Organisation). These norms include the aban- donment of child labour, wages that secure a liveli- hood, decent working conditions, as well as the freedom of association and free negotiations on pay. Beeswax for products containing wax Traditional extraction of gum elastic Madder roots for colour wash plant glazes L i n s e e d o i l f r o m c o n t r o l l e d b i o l o g i c a l c u l t i v a t i o n