
11 Colourful persuasion The thrill of the lime assortment lies in the brilliant colour tones of the AURO Lime tinting base (350) . They can be applied as full shades or for overcoating. All the lime tints can freely be mixed with each other. The typical character of a lime product and the anti-mould features are maintained. Because of their natural composition and the excellent lime quality, the lime tints seem to shine from within, a vibrancy the colours maintain for a long time. A bloomy yellow or a light blue can let small rooms appear brighter and therefore bigger. Our colour chart and the COLOURS FOR LIFE colour tone fan offer a variety of interesting colour impressions. Rosemary Carmine Capri Structural differences For interior rooms like basements or bathrooms, the ready-to-use AURO High-grade lime plaster (345) is well-suited. The decorative grain structure it provides varies depending on the method of applica- tion, e.g. by brush or roller. The lime plaster can also be tinted or simply overcoated with AURO Lime tinting base (350) . Safran Examples for easy-to-mix colour tone ideas. R o l l e r a p p l i c a t i o n B r u s h a p p l i c a t i o n