
15 FURNITURE AND WOODEN SURFACES First things first – the prime coat Some wood types contain a high share of tanning agents that can prolong drying times of a woodstain coating con- siderately, e.g. oak, chestnut, cherry. Others contain colouring substances that can penetrate to the surface, e.g. ash, larch or red cedar. To avoid these effects, it is recommended to use the AURO Special primer (117) before the Woodstain is applied to these wood types. All wood types without active substances can be primed with the AURO Hard primer (127) . The primer coats form a „barrier layer“ and unify the absorptive capacity of the wood substrate. Thus they provide optimal adhesion and a perfect preparation for follow-up coatings with one of the various colour tones of the woodstain. All colour tones can be freely mixed among each other. Extract from the colour chart of the Aqua Woodstain. All current colour tones on white ochre yellow pine orange ruby red mahogany green grey brown walnut rosewood ultramarine blue