
7 WALLS AND CEILINGS Grade „A“ for AURO People spend an average of at least one third of the day within closed rooms, even more during the cold autumn and winter seasons. Therefore it is important to use wall paints of the highest quality that constitute no substantial source for the pollution of the indoor air. In this respect, the so-called „volatile organic compounds“ (VOC) play an important role. These are substances that evaporate easily, i.e. they turn to gas already at very low temperatures, even at room temperature. The complete AURO product range, especially the products for walls and ceilings, fulfills the requirements of the French VOC regulation and receives the top grades A or A+. More than three quarters of the relevant products are graded A+. Moreover, our wallpaints correspond to the Decopaint Guideline (2004/42/EU). On , you will find a clearly arranged listing of all products that have these or other certifications. V O L A T I L E O R G A N I C C O M P O U N D S FREE According to Decopaint Directive 2004/42/EG Recommended for living areas In order to define a uniform health- related evaluation of emissions from building products for construction and renovation, the German AgBB* has set up an evaluation scheme. AURO offers products from every field of application that were tested according to the AgBB evaluation scheme and are therfore particularly recommendable for indoor use. * A usschuss zur g esundheitlichen B ewertung von B auprodukten = Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products AgBB -tested According to the criteriaof the Committee for theHealth-related EvaluationofBuildingProducts (AgBB) H i g h l y r e c o m m e n d e d f o r l i v i n g a r e a s .