AURO Product catalogue 2020_01.2024 FTB

11 FURNITURE AND WOODEN SURFACES WALLS AND CEILINGS Grip coat, fine (505) Grip coat, granulated (506) WALL COATINGS - DISPERSION PAINTS The problem solver for all difficult substrates: Preserv- ative-free primer with very fine grain (<0.05 mm) for better adhesion of subsequent coats indoors and outdoors. Diffu - sion-open and equipped with best spraying and dripping properties. The biogenic binder REPLEBIN® guarantees professional product properties: emission-free, better substrate compati- bility and adhesion, oil-free, quick drying, no dark yellowing. > Universal primer > For all substrates > Provides excellent adhesion Product recommendations High-grade lime paint (344) p.17 High-grade clay paint (331) p.13 Wall paint (321) p.12 5,0 l | 10,0 l 1 l up to 12 m 2 Ready to use. Dilutable with up to 5% of water Open-pored (sd value <0,01) Allergy-friendly product, IUG-tested Reworkable after 4 - 6 hours Cleaning of tools: water and Plant soap (411) as needed The problem solver for all difficult substrates: Preservative- free primer with coarser grain (<0.2mm) for better adhesion of subsequent coats indoors and outdoors. Diffusion-open and equipped with best spraying and dripping properties. The biogenic binder REPLEBIN® guarantees professional product properties: emission-free, better substrate com- patibility and adhesion, oil-free, quick drying, no dark yel- lowing. > Universal primer > For all substrates > Provides excellent adhesion Product recommendations High-grade lime paint (344) p.17 High-grade clay paint (331) p.13 Wall paint (321) p.12 5,0 l | 10,0 l 1 l up to 12 m 2 Ready to use. Dilutable with up to 5% of water Open-pored (sd value <0,01) Allergy-friendly product, IUG-tested Reworkable after 4 - 6 hours Cleaning of tools: water and Plant soap (411) as needed News, full declaration, tips, references, downloads, FAQ… News, full declaration, tips, references, downloads, FAQ… No. 506 No. 505