
AN OIL WITH MANY TALENTS This oil was known in the ancient world already and was probably originally native to the Ethiopian tropes. In old Egypt, castor oil served as versatile remedy as well as fuel for oil lamps. The viscous oil is of a light yellow colour, the taste is mild but unpleasant. The oil is won from from the castor shrub, also known as the „palm of Christ“. The exact origin of the latter name is not clear although castor is mentioned in the bible. The botanical name means „tick“ because the seeds of the plant look like small, saturated ticks. The reddish brown capsule fruits are barbed with soft prickles and contain bean-shaped seeds. The oil can be used for many purposes but has particu- lar importance in industrial and medicinal fields of application. The valuable ingredients ren- der it suited for many purposes, be it in lubricants for motors, in binding agents for lacquers and paints, or in cosmetic products. Among many others, the medicinal or cosmetic areas of use include natural laxatives, remedies for scars or age marks, lip- sticks or hair condi- tioners. Nowadays, the palm of Christ is cultivated in sub- tropical areas. Under optimal conditions, the fast-growing plant reaches a height of five metres within 3 to 4 months. In tropical climate, it can reach, after several years, a height of up to 13 metres and forms a lignified stem. As opposed to the poisonous ricin that is contained in the seed coat, the castor oil is harmless. The poison is not liposoluble and remains in the residues after the pressing of the seeds. After the castor oil is dehydrated and boiled to a thick stand oil, it is used as soap in the binding agent that is used at AURO in cleaning, care and maintenance products. ORIGIN: INDIA 11