
THE QUEEN OF THE ALPS There are many names for this tree species growing in high mountain regions: Cembra pine, arolla pine, Swiss pine, to name but a few. The tree belongs to the pine fam- ily and is indigenous to the Alps and the Carpathians. The evergreen trees can reach an age of 1.000 years and a height of 25 metres. The needles always appear in clusters of five on short sprouts. Notwithstanding their longevity, they brave the often rough weather in the mountains which led to the appreciative name „Queen of the Alps“. Extraction of the excellent oil The coniferous tree grows in sunny altitudes. Its very slow growth provides for a sufficient production of essen- tial ingredients. The precious oil is won from the hackled parts of the tree by water vapour distillation, a technique used for centuries already. Only the leftovers from timber production, branches, needles, saw waste, are used for dis- tillation. The residues from the distillation process are used to heat the distillation oven so that the material cycle is closed and a precious natural product is won without any use of fossil fuels. Use at AURO At AURO we use the water-clear oil of the Cembra tree with the strong but pleasant scent in our Cembra oil fur- niture polish. It refines furniture with an intensive wax care and, at the same time, is anti-static and repels insects. The Cembra oil used at AURO stems from Cembra trees grown in Carinthia, Austria. According to experts, this region delivers the most pre- cious Cembra oil worldwide. By the way: Cembra oil is also used in scented sachets, as remedy for colds and as mas- sage oil. CEMBRA OIL ORIGIN: AUSTRIA 14