
LEMON OIL LIGHTNESS AND FRESHNESS The yellowish ethereal oil with the distinctive fruity cit- rus smell is the extract from the fruits of the lemon tree citrus limonum . The fruit belongs in the rue family and grows on evergreen trees that are equipped with thorns and can get up to six metres high. It is a very special fea- ture that they can bloom the whole year through and bear fruits at the same time. This allows for up to four harvests a year. The big blossoms of the lemon tree are white, some- times they have violet tips. The oil is won by decating from the peel which imme- diately brings forth the wonderful, typical smell of the lemon. This scent is associated with cleanness, hygiene and freshness. This is hardly surprising because the oil indeed has good cleaning, antiseptical and antibacterial p r ope r t i e s . The ethereal scent is also believed to put people in an opti- m i s t i c mood, to sharpen the spirit and activate the intellect. The fruity, fresh oil just adds more activity and liveliness to our everyday life. The most precious lemon oil comes from Sicily because it has more than 4 % of the vital ingredient citral. For 1 litre ethereal oil, approx- imately 3.000 lemons are needed. At AURO the genuine ethereal oils of the lemon are used as aromatic substance. ORIGIN: SICILY 16