
AN ACCIDENTAL PRODUCT WITH ENORMOUS EFFECTS Vinegar has already been produced in ancient advanced civilisations. Especially in the ancient Near East and Medi- terranean areas, herbs were mixed into vinegar to turn it into a palatable drink. Fragrant oils or juices were also used to mix with vinegar. Particularly the mixture of vin- egar and water is found in Roman history as an elixir that was supposed to equip warriors with strength and good health. The origin of vinegar, however, is by far more mundane. It was found by accident when mead, beer or wine stood too long and turned sour. Acetic acid is pro- duced by omnipresent bacteria that get into the wine, start their metabolism and thus turn the alcohol into acetic acid. How- ever, only as late as the 19 th cen- tury it was discovered that it takes bacteria for the production of acetic acid. Medicinal uses of vinegar have been recorded very early, e.g. in cases of respiratory diseases or indigestion. In the 18 th century, it was found out that vinegar can be used as a preserving agent for fish or vegetables and that it has disinfecting and healing properties. Besides that, it was used with growing pleas- ure in the preparation of food. In France, it was particu- larly popular at that time to use vinegar for the creation of refined marinades for salads. They were sold on the street, right off so-called vinegar barrows which held different barrels with varying acid contents. Shortly after, research- ers also developped an interest in vinegar. Chemists dis- covered that acetic acid was the result from alcohol and tartaric acid once the alcohol had evaporated and turned the tartaric acid into acetic acid. Modern home remedy also knows vinegar as a cure, e.g. antifebrile compresses or the inhalation of vinegar solution for a cough. Nowadays vinegar is mostly used as preserving agent, as spice and in the food industry. At AURO, we use wine vinegar as a natural acid that has been fer- mented from wine to alcohol and then further fermented to acid. VINEGAR ORIGIN: GERMANY 18