
THE FRESHEST OF ALL CITRUS OILS The tropical, bittersweet smell of the lime reminds of sunny climes, white sand beaches at a turquoise-coloured seaside and green palms. In aromatherapy, the ethereal oil does its magic by giving new motivation, joy of life and buoyancy. In various ways, it has reviving and refreshing effects on the psyche. No wonder, given its fresh, sweet smell that, at the same time, has a fruity appeal. The word lime comes from the French language and means „small lemon“. Like its big sister, the lemon, the lime belongs in the rue family. It is also known by the Latin name Citrus aurantifolia . It grows on a tree-like bush that can reach a height of 2-4 m. The plant originates from South Asia. In springtime, the bush shows white, scented blossoms, six months later the familiar, aromatic yellow to greenish fruits have matured. However, the bush bears fruit only after five years. The ethereal oil is won by water vapour distillation from the fruit and peel. At AURO we use the genuine yellow- ish ethereal oil of the lime as aromatic substance. By the way: Besides the genuine lime there is also the common lime. The genuine one, Citrus aurantifolia , also called key lime or Mexican lime, is smaller than the com- mon lime, sometimes not bigger than a table tennis ball. As opposed to the common lime, it contains many seeds. The common type, Citrus latifolia , often bears the name of the region it is native to, e.g. Persian lime or Tahiti lime. ORIGIN: SICILY 21