
THE MYSTERY OF THE JOJOBA PLANT The jojoba plant is an evergreen, wild-growing bush that reaches an age of several hundred years and originates from the Sonoran Desert in Mexico’s Baja California region. Its taproots are particularly bold and can penetrate up to six metres deep into the ground. With this survival strategy, the plant also ensures that the desert does not dry out. Researchers benefit from these and other character- istics by using jojoba in high-grade moisture regulating products. The so-called jojoba „oil“ is actually not a plant oil but a wax. However, it gets liquid at room temper- ature already. The robust plant has a natural sun protec- tion factor of 3 to 4 and is therefore often used as base material for sun blockers. Because of its positive properties, it is also used in home-made cosmetics. It has a par- ticularly high oxidation stability which contributes to the stabilisation of oil mixtures, it increases the elasticity of the skin and protects it reliably and long-lasting from losing moisture. It has also to be highlighted that the jojoba wax is a high-grade substitute for the sper- ma c e t i wax that was won from the sperm whale in former times, a practice that is prohibited now- adays. The oil is also used in Industrial appli- cations, e.g. as base material in lubricants for preci- sion instru- ments or as raw material in care waxes for furniture or car polishes. At AURO, we also use the oil-like plant wax in care and maintenance products. There are male plants with yellow, flamboyant blossoms and female plants with rather ordinary, white blossoms. Within three to six months after the pollination by wind or insects, capsule fruits have matured and open up. They contain wrinkled, olive-shaped seeds that hold the pre- cious wax. Like hazelnuts, the jojoba seeds can be mixed into the breakfast cereals or even be used to brew a substitute for coffee. This culinary refinement can probably even sup- port your diet. ORIGIN: MEXICO 23