
sweat out the wax in thin platelets with a weight of approx- imately 0,8 miligram. This means that 1.25 million of these platelets are needed to produce one kilogram beeswax. Before the wax reaches the trade, it is cleaned and bleached to a white wax. AURO beeswax is a pure, unbleached, smooth wax from best provenances, with controlled low residue level. It is used in AURO’s cleaning, care and maintenance products ORIGIN: GERMANY in the form of mildly saponified beeswax soap. This soap has only weak surfactant characteristics but is a good emulgator that helps to keep the ingredients of a product in a stable emulsion. Moreover, the thin beeswax film that forms after application and partial re-neutralisation has an antistatic effect on the surface to be maintained. The beekeeper examines the beehives once a week. 25