
A JACK OF ALL TRADES They are familiar to all of us, the camomile blossoms with their yellow heads and white blossoms that seem to give us a friendly smile while we walk by. Camomile blos- soms contain ethereal oil and their ingredients have anti-in- flammatory and anticonvulsant effects. The popular household remedy settles the stomach and alleviates spas- modic colics. The genuine camomile is an annual herba- ceous plant that reaches a growth height of approximately 15 to 50 centimetres. All parts of the plant have the char- acteristic camomile scent. The stems are upright and leaf- less, their upper part is often highly branched. The genu- ine camomile originates from the Middle East, South and East Europe. Today it is found in all of Europe but is also indigenous to North America and Australia. In natural sur- roundings, the undemanding plant is to be found on fields or by the wayside, on slopes and most of all on cornfields. The false camomile has a very similar calyx and can there- fore easily be confused with the genuine camomile. How- ever, the false one has only very little ethereal oil and therefore does not emit the typical scent. It also does not have the healing power of the genuine camomile. At AURO, we win the camomile extract by alcohol extraction from camomile blossoms. Did you know? The Greek name of the camomile, cha- maimelon , means as much as „apple of the earth“. The rea- son probably is that the leaves of the camomile have a light apple-like scent. As one of the oldest medicinal plants it was known in pre-Christian times already. It is mentioned in numerous books on cures and medicinal substances. Nordic peoples worshipped the camomile as a divine plant because its blossoms were so similar to the sun. ORIGIN: GERMANY 27