
Why is it done this way? The successive building up and degradation of nutrients in the soil provides for a long-lasting high quality of the soil. The change of field crop also minimises the infesta- tion of seeds with weeds, as well as several plant diseases and vermin. What do you think is the decisive argument for a sustainable agriculture? In the long run, biological farming will be the main method to feed mankind and, at the same time, maintain our natural environmental conditions. To this purpose, it will be imperative that we consume less meat and grow less plants as energy sources. Mr. Barnstorf-Brandes, thank you for this interview. Seedtime: End of March through end of April Harvest: July or August Blossom colour: white and lilac Area under cultivation: 3.5 hectares Yield: 3.5 - 5 tons DATA: LINSEED PLANT Above: Meeting before work starts Right: Weeds are removed from the linseed field with a tractable chipper More informationen ( German ): 32