
BERGAMOT OIL FRESH, LIVELY AND FRUITY The bergamot fruit is a cross between the bitter orange and the citron. It is in cultivation only in Calabria, along a 100 km long small shoreline at the boot toe of Southern Italy. The bergamot oil was mentioned for the first time in the year 1750 and has remained rare and sought-after until today. The exact region of provenance is unknown but it can be assumed that it is of oriental ori- gin. The ethereal oil is used in per- fumes and cosmetics as well as in aromatherapy. The extraordinary flavour is to be found only in the peel from which the oil is won. The flesh of the fruit is not edible. The particular characteristic of the peel essence is that it contains more than 300 different aromas and hence has a much bigger complexity than many other natural scents. The clear, fresh and lively ber- gamot scent is pre- sent as overtone in practically all perfumes. Besides being suited for wonderful flavour blends, ber- gamot oil serves well to cure colds and fevers through its anti-inflammatory characteristics. The scent of bergamot oil is intensified by the addition of other citrus oils, e.g. the oils of lemons, oranges, tangerines or grapefruits. The bergamot plant reaches a growth height of approxi- mately four metres. In the blooming period, it bears white blossoms that emit a beautiful scent. They develop into fruits that are harvested between November and Febru- ary. Only the peels are used for oil production, the proce- dure being the so-called decating. The colour of the highly fluid oil ranges from yellow to green, its fragrance is sweet and flowery, with a fruity note. At AURO, we use the genuine ethereal yellowish oil from the fruit peel of the bergamot tree ( Citris bergamia Risso ) as aromatic sub- stance By the way: In order to win 1 litre of bergamot oil, 200 kg of fruit have to be processed. ORIGIN: ITALY 54