
A MIXTURE OF TRUE LAVENDER AND SPIKE LAVENDER The botanical name of the lavandin plant is Provence Lavender , in Latin it is Lavandula Intermedia . With its height of up to 80 cm, it has a special position within the lavender family. The dense, globelike bushes with their numerous purple-coloured blossoms have a stronger cam- phor smell than other lavender species. They are sweeter but less aromatic and less mild than the genuine lavender. On the other hand, it is much more robust and has a much higher yield. Not more than 40 kg of blossom panicles of Lavandin are needed to produce one kg of ethereal oil whereas 150 kg would be needed to produce the same amount of oil from the wild-growing genuine lavender. In the Provence region, the economical advantages of the lavandin plant have been used since approximately 1930 and played an increasingly important role for the region. The oil is hardly used in medicinal compounds but is well suited for use in perfumes or in fragrance compositions that are meant to give a feeling of harmonical well-being. Dried lavandin is often used in scented sachets and the oil serves as aromatic substance in cleaning, care and main- tenance products. Cultivation and use The blooming period is in July and August. The plant does not seed itself and is reproduced by cuttings. At AURO, we use the ethereal oil from the lavender plant (Lavandula Hybrida Oil) that is native to the Mediterra- nean area as aromatic essence. It is won by water vapour distillation. LAVENDER OIL 6