AURO - The natural choice for daily life - page 50

The origin
The name rosemary comes from the Latin
ros marinus
which means „dew of the sea“. It is believed that this is
due to the fact that the plant originates from Mediterra-
nean coasts where the dew gathers in the blossoms at night.
The herbaceous plant belongs to the oldest, most popular
and also most versatile plants. It brings forth various dif-
ferent effects and has a strong, aromatic smell that reminds
a bit of camphor but also of a forest.
Long before rosemary was discovered as a spice, it was
used as ethereal oil, as edible oil, for vapour baths, or in
herbal teas. Rosemary has a vitalising effect on the car-
diovascular and neural systems, it provokes appetite and
works against fatigue. It is also believed to have an anti-
septical effect.
Use at AURO
We use rosemary oil that is won by water vapour distil-
lation from the leaves of the genuine rosemary plant.
It serves as aromatic scent and insect-repelling ingredient.
As a plant dedicated to the Gods, especially to Aphro-
dite, rosemary played a vital role in ancient history. For a
long time, it was a custom for brides to wear rosemary gar-
lands as a token of their faith. It was also discovered that
rosemary supports memory retention, therefore pupils in
old Rome as well as in Greece wore rosemary garlands.
„Lavender is to the soul what
rosemary is to the spirit. “
(ancient wisdom)
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