
12 Walls and ceilings Design for your well-being. The creation of colourful effects Colours belong to life just as atmospheric music or alluring fragrances. The right colour composition and a bit of imagination can give every part of the house its own atmosphere. Our ecological paints set the perfect stage for a healthy indoor climate in your home. They consist of organic and mineral raw materials, produced according to the principle of the least possible load for man and environment. Syn- thetic pigments and toxics are left outside. Be it traditional or innovative, urban or rural, oriental, mediterranean or rooted in one’s own region: There are nearly unlimited possibilities to create moods with AURO wall paints. Strong or pastel colours, subtle or luminous, in any case individ- ual impressions can be created with the lively tinting paints, transparent colour wash plant glazes or special application techniques. No matter if the base coat is a simple wall paint or a grained plaster, the result will be impressive. Innovation – AURO’s own binding agent Replebin ® With the support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Ener- gy’s central investment program for small and medium-sized businesses (ZIM), we managed to develop the innovative biogenic binding agent for coating materials, Replebin ® . The new production unit for biogenic binding agents required an invest- ment of 1.1 million EUR. The ultra-modern biogenic binding agent sets new stand- ards of technical performance in AURO’s wall paint range. Walls can breathe again One of the outstanding characteristics of AURO paints is that they contribute to a better indoor climate. Walls and ceilings are not sealed airtight but supported in their natural ability to regulate the indoor climate. This is especially true for the AURO High-grade lime range . Therefore these products are especially suited for the prevention of mould infestations. Of course the lime range can also be given a colourful eyecatcher. With our special High-grade lime tint- ing bases , you can match impressive, lively colours in unlimited shades and thus create an optimal indoor environ- ment quality you will never want to do without again. The next step - COLOURS FOR LIFE The binding agent Replebin ® was also the prerequisite for the development of a new machine operated colour mixing system. The combination of the new binding agent and a number of new min- eral pigments made it possible to widen the AURO ccolour spectrum immensely. The COLOURS FOR LIFE system now offers a wide range of 790 colour shades to choose from. They are displayed on our website and in the colour tone fan with real painted sam- ples. Contact your local distributor for AURO wall paints.