
7 AURO points the way CO 2 footprint: perfectly balanced! AURO has been sourcing green electricity since 2012, cur- rently supplied from the local provider BS Energy/Natur- strom. In combination with the photovoltaic plant on the roof of the building, this makes AURO a company using exclu- sively energy from renewable sources. The BS Energy/Natur- strom certificate states that two years of sourcing green elec- tricity instead of conventional power sources (nuclear, coal etc.) saves the environment 209 tons of CO 2 and 206 g of nuclear waste. As we speak of CO 2 : As early as 2007, AURO was the first paint manufacturer worldwide to be certified as carbon neu- tral company by the Climate Neutral Group. Since then, we have made many efforts to keep our CO 2 footprint as small as possible. A major part of this is the cooperation with companies like Interseroh or Belland Dual who organise, monitor and assess the recycling of packaging materials put in circulation by AURO. The CO 2 savings are regularly calculated and con- firmed in annual certificates. It makes us happy to support biodiversity this way and to effect the climate in a positive way. Ecology down to the last detail AURO uses oils from controlled biological cultivation and thus continues to use certified organic raw materials. The oils are used in many products so that a large part of the AURO range profits from that. Prestigious organisations like ECOCERT and IMO regularly control the oils and thus guarantee the constantly high grade needed to maintain the measures of quality required in our production processes. Cooperation with the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union The natural diversity of species is something AURO as an ecologically oriented enterprise cares about. It is not just that flora delivers most of the natural raw materials our paints are made of but also the fact that an intact flora is important to maintain the ecological balance and an intact environment. This is why we colloberate closely with the NABU (German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union). This fits together perfectly: The NABU has been advocating environmental issues for more than 100 years, and AURO makes its contribution to environmental protection by imple- menting its strictly ecological and sustainable company phi- losophy. For the benefit of man and nature If you want to know more about the cooperation between AURO annd NABU, or if you are interested in the NABU’s work in a general sense, please see English language information can be found here: .