
Milestones & certifications

Milestones in the AURO company history

  • 2024

    Sieger Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2025 - AURO gewinnt den Preis im Bereich Unternehmen, in der Kategorie Anstrichmittel und Farben.

  • 2023

    Neubau einer Produktionshalle - Um den enormen Erfolg der COLOURS FOR LIFE-Linie und der Profi-Kalkfarbe zu entsprechen. Durch die Hochskalierung der Produktion möchte AURO, dass Kundenwünsche besser und schneller bedient werden. 

  • 2022

    Markteinführung der COLOURS FOR LIFE Holzlasuren mit ökologischen Pasten - maschinell abtönbar

  • 2019

    Die Einführung unserer Ecolith-Kalkfarben für Innenräume und Fassaden.

  • 2017

    AURO gelingt es als erstem Farbhersteller, ein maschinelles Abtönsystem für Wandfarben mit konsequent ökologischen Pasten zu entwickeln - Die COLOURS FOR LIFE Premium Wand- und Deckenfarbe wird am Markt eingeführt.

  • 2015

    Die AURO-Produktentwicklung stößt mit hochmodernen biogenen Bindemitteln in neue Bereiche technischer Leistung vor.
  • 2014

    30 Jahre Tradition und Innovation. AURO führt „classic edition“-Linie neu ein. Klassische Farbrohstoffe und ihre Geschichten. 

  • 2012

    Ab 2012 weitreichende Personalinvestitionen in den Bereichen Forschung & Entwicklung, Versand & Logistik sowie Vertrieb Inland & Ausland.

  • 2009

    Neubau des Vertriebs- und Renovierung des Verwaltungsgebäudes mit Integration eines Shop & Showrooms als zukunftsweisende Investition in den Firmenstandort.

  • 2008

    Markteinführung des Profi-Kalksortiments. Mineralische Farben zur Schimmelprävention. AURO gewinnt rasch Marktanteile und kann das Sortiment weiter ausbauen.

  • 2007

    Markteinführung des Reinigungs- und Pflegesortiments „Brillante Lösungen“. Ökologisch-technische Spezialreiniger für alle Haushaltsbereiche.

  • 2006

    Testsieg für AURO Holzlasur, Aqua Nr. 160-84 in Deutschlands bekanntester Verbraucherschutzzeitschrift „Test“ (Stiftung Warentest).
  • 2004

    Einführung eines neuen Etikettenkonzeptes mit überarbeiteter Sortimentseinteilung für alle Produktbereiche.
  • 2001

    Vollständiges AURO-Sortiment Lacke, Lasuren, Wachse und Öle ohne Lösemittel am Markt.
  • 1999

    Umweltpreis der internationalen Umweltstiftung "Friends of the Earth"
  • 1998

    Start des Forschungs- u. Entwicklungsprojektes: "Lösemittelfreie Naturfarben" mit DBU-Förderung.
  • 1994

    Verleihung des B.A.U.M.- Umweltpreises an AURO
  • 1992

    WWF/Capital: Auszeichnung Dr. Hermann Fischer als "Öko-Manager des Jahres"
  • 1990

    Neueinführung Sortiment Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel (AURO-Marke AWALAN)
  • 1989

    Erster Produkt-Test: AURO Wandfarbe: Stiftung Warentest "gut"
  • 1983

    Gründung AURO Pflanzenchemie GmbH in Braunschweig (ab 1998: AG)


Product certifications

Today, paints and care products with the AURO label are regarded as the benchmark for ecologically oriented progress in building and living. There is a simple reason for this: we make no compromises when it comes to quality for people and the environment. Unlike most manufacturers, we make no secret of the composition of our products. We thrive on credibility, which gives our customers security. Numerous product tests and certifications attest to the fact that AURO organic paints also meet the highest technical quality standards:

Certificates and confirmations for Wall Paint No. 321, Professional Clay Paint No. 331, Plantodecor® Premium Wall Paint No. 524, COLOURS FOR LIFE Professional Clay Paint No. 535 and COLOURS FOR LIFE Premium Wall and Ceiling Paint No. 555.

Certificates and confirmations for Wall Paint No. 321, Professional Clay Paint No. 331, Plantodecor® Premium Wall Paint No. 524, COLOURS FOR LIFE Professional Clay Paint No. 535 and COLOURS FOR LIFE Premium Wall and Ceiling Paint No. 555.

AURO is the first manufacturer to offer products from each of its application areas that have been tested according to the AgBB assessment scheme (AgBB = Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products) and are therefore particularly recommended for your interior:

Wall design:
Oils and waxes:
Wood stains and varnishes:

Products that meet the AgBB criteria as they have a similar composition to the tested products:

  • Clinker oil no. 114
  • Hard oil no. 126
  • Hard oil white pigmented No. 126-90
  • 2 in 1 oil-wax, Classic No. 129
  • Rust protection primer No. 234
  • White lacquer, glossy No. 250-90
  • Clear lacquer, glossy No. 251
  • Clear lacquer, silk matt No. 261
  • Floor lacquer no. 267
  • Clay decorative plaster no. 311
  • Wood stain, Classic No. 930
  • White lacquer, glossy, Classic no. 935
  • COLOURS FOR LIFE Premium Wall and Ceiling Paint No. 555

Further information on the health assessment of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC) from building products can be found here on the website of the Federal Environment Agency.

Due to their purely mineral composition, these products are basically emission-free and therefore fulfill all criteria according to the AgBB assessment scheme:

  • Silicate paint no. 303
  • Lime Paint No. 326
  • Anti-mold paint No. 327
  • Fresh white no. 328
  • Professional lime filler No. 342
  • Professional Lime Paint No. 344
  • Professional lime plaster No. 345
  • Professional lime plaster no. 347
  • Colored Lime Paint No. 350

Due to their purely mineral composition, these products are basically
emission-free and therefore fulfill all criteria according to the AgBB assessment scheme:

  • Silicate paint no. 303
  • Lime Paint No. 326
  • Anti-mold paint No. 327
  • Fresh white no. 328
  • Professional lime filler No. 342
  • Professional Lime Paint No. 344
  • Professional lime plaster No. 345
  • Professional lime plaster no. 347
  • Colored Lime Paint No. 350

Company certifications

As a manufacturer of paints and cleaning agents based primarily on vegetable and mineral raw materials, AURO-Pflanzenchemie AG occupies a special position in the chemical industry. With our concept of a holistic approach from the origin and extraction of raw materials to the disposal not only of production-specific waste, but also of the materials treated with the products, we have proven for almost three decades that ecological principles and economic activity can be successfully combined.

The use of biogenic, renewable and mineral raw materials is the basis of the company’s philosophy. The careful extraction of materials from nature that are compatible with human health and their processing according to the principles of gentle chemistry are the other foundations of the company. Finally, social and environmental responsibility is always the starting point for further development of the successfully practiced AURO model.

AURO receives investment support from the European Regional Development Fund

  • This certificate confirms that registered transport packaging is collected from the company’s customers by Interseroh partners, that collected transport packaging is recycled and that all requirements of the Packaging Ordinance are met.

AURO provides training in various professions: Chemical technician, painter and varnisher, industrial clerk.
In September 2016, the Braunschweig Chamber of Industry and Commerce awarded AURO a certificate for its particularly successful industrial clerk apprenticeship.