
Cleaning & care

Effective ecological cleaning and care products with biodegradable ingredients

Radiant Cleanliness with the power of nature – AURO experts havedeveloped a high-quality selective cleaning range for different problems and needs . Whether oven cleaner, dishwashing liquid or stainless steel cleaner, the ecological cleaners for the kitchen are made from biodegradable ingredients and are free from synthetic fragrances and irritants. Natural and renewable raw materials such as sugar surfactants, vinegar, glycerine and various oils are used. Self-cooked soaps and oils from controlled organic cultivation (kbA), such as linseed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil round off the portfolio.

The gentle Cleaning and care products made from natural and renewable raw materials preserve the beauty of your furniture. Z . B. die Holzboden Pflege & Reinigung, Möbel-Intensivpflege oder Arvengeist Möbelpolitur verleihen mit den bewährten Stoffen such as linseed oil, beeswax and Swiss stone pine oil unique fragrances, a mysterious sheen and a pleasant tactile experience.

The universally applicable ecological products for floors, such as floor care emulsion, floor care or the universal cleaner for heavy soiling are good problem solvers. The Floor cleaner and floor care maintain oiled, waxed or lacquered floors, but also linoleum, laminate or tiles.

Bathrooms can also be cleaned with biological power. Limescale and soap deposits quickly build up there and a new shine is needed. The sanitary cleaner removes unpleasant odors and deposits in a powerful yet environmentally friendly way. AURO also has organic soaps and chlorine-free mold remover and mold stop in the range. As a complete solution, there is the Pur-san3 anti-mold system in the box.

All AURO products can of course be returned to the natural material cycle without hesitation. You can also find more information on the raw materials and their history in the brochures Our plant substances and Tradition with a future.