AURO Pflanzenchemie AG
AURO is the pioneering enterprise in the field of consistently ecological paints, wood care and cleaning products.. AURO's paints, stains, oils, waxes, cleaning and care products show that products manufactured from natural raw materials are highly efficient and offer a unique combination of high quality and ecological orientation.
Establishment/Legal form
1983 as private limited company; 1998: going public
Supervisory board
Professor Dr. Arnim von Gleich (Chair)
Thomas Lange
Dipl.-Eng. Jan Fischer
Edwin Hribek
Production plant
Braunschweig (Germany)
Milestones of AURO’s company history
2019The introduction of our Ecolith lime paints for interior surfaces and facades.
2017As the first paint manufacturer, AURO manages to develop an automatic tinting system for wall paints that works with consistently ecological pigment pastes. The COLOURS FOR LIFE Premium wall and ceiling paint is launched.
2015With ultra-modern biogenic binding agents, the AURO product development sets new standards of technical performance.
2012As from 2012: Extensive investment in the engagement of new staff in research and development, shipping and logistics, as well as sales and marketing (domestic and abroad).
2009Newly constructed building for the sales and marketing staff, reconstruction of the office building, including a new shop and showroom: An investment to make the enterprise’s location future-proof.
2008Market introduction of the the high-grade lime assortment: Mineral paints for mould prevention. AURO quickly gains market share and expands the range of lime-based products.
2007Market launch of AURO’s cleaning, care and maintenance range of products called “Brilliant ideas”: Well-engineered special cleaners for all household tasks.
2006AURO Woodstain Aqua, no. 160-84 is nominated „test winner“ in „Test“, Germany’s most noted magazine for consumer protection (published by the Warentest foundation).
2004Introduction of a new label concept with a revised classification of products within the complete assortment.
2001AURO introduces a complete new range of paints, stains, oils and waxes without solvents.
1999Eco Award from environmental organisation “Friends of the Earth“.
1998Start of the research and development project “solvent-free natural paints”, funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).
1994B.A.U.M. Environmental Prize awarded to AURO.
1992Dr. Hermann Fischer is appointed “Eco-Manager of the Year“ by WWF and the business journal „Capital“.
1990Introduction of an assortment of washing and cleaning products under the brand name “AWALAN”.
1989In the first-ever test of an AURO product by the prestigious “test” consumer magazine, AURO Wall paint no. 321 is rated “good”.
1983Foundation of the AURO Pflanzenchemie GmbH (as from 1998: AURO AG).
In December 2013, AURO celebrated 30 years of existence as a company.
On occasion of this anniversary, we published a bilingual brochure (German/English) with many interesting guest contributions from all over the world.
Corporate philosophy
Biodiversity – AURO’s active protection of the biological richness
The most important base substance of modern chemistry and its omni-present products is the non-renewable raw material petroleum. However, the future of chemistry will have to be different: In the long run, the chemical sector, just like energy providers, will have to rely on a variety of resources. The substantial raw materials for a future chemistry are available in our biosphere in an enormous richness of species: the plants.
AURO is a company that has been applying advanced raw material principles since 1983 already.
Plants offer an immeasurable variety of base materials for the production of completely bio-degradable paints. “Each single plant constitutes an efficient chemical factory with production processes that do not leave any waste. Thus a plant can, for instance, produce relevant amounts of cellulose in its stem, pigment in its leaves, wax on the leave’s surface, fat and protein in its fruit as well as scents and resins in its bloom.”
Plant chemistry knows thousands of plant species that are the basis for the production of hundreds of thousands of different materials whose climatic, geological and genetic configuration perfectly adapts to the world region they grow in. A future chemistry will be dependent on an intact, rich biological diversity. Any species extinction, be it animal or plant, threatens the future prospects for a balanced plant chemistry.
With the consistent use of raw materials based exclusively on plants and minerals for the production of diverse products for building and living, AURO has always been observing this advanced principle.